
a place where the 80's live on...

so the thing about visiting any-town USA is that sometimes you forget what year it is....

the characters of this story:
Babs: with the biggest roundest 80's black-rimmed glasses i've ever seen... Beaker: long, long, long and only the lower jaw moves... AyeCaptain: one eye is almost always half closed, and can't say anything without a loud gfaw at the end... Sum-o: put's all my charts and graphs to shame and stuffs himself with super-sweet donuts and salads in the same span of time... Arabia: skipping lunch to talk about work :|... FamilyCircus: been with the company for 15 years, or was it that he's 15 years old, hard to tell really with that baby face... MrGreen: knows his shit, and doesn't fuck around.

i felt almost like i was in one of those crappy quality 80's video's they show you in business classes in highschool... tooooo funny!

good times... work trips are fun...

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