
mandy almost made me miss my stop on the subway today while reading her damnable story! (get it, get it... damnable... it's about lucifer... heh heh... WA wa.... bad joke). good times!
nothing much exciting to write about today...


so this is it eh... a blog... hmmmmmm.... not sure i know what to start off saying... wassup party people! yeah... that was lame...
i'm curious whether i will actually find things to write about on a daily basis... weekly basis... monthly basis? who knows... writing's not my forte...
well, i've done my new millennium lemming bit... and followed the "cool" crowd into blog-dom... let's see where this takes me, shall we? i always wanted to do the journal thing... but always hated the physical act of writing...
and, kevin's line today about doing things just to be able to blog them later was awesome! It's so ME! This way i can excuse my drama-lama-ness (thanks mandy, i'm making the hand motion as we speak :) as material for the interblag! YAY!